Assay Summary H3K9me3 Summary Track Settings
Roadmap Epigenome H3K9me3 Summary for 128 sample type(s)

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     MS H3K9me3 2  Muscle Satellite Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0538 Pcnt=14 DonorID:NA)    Data format 
     RM H3K9me3 29  Rectal Mucosa H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0546 Pcnt=15 DonorID:29)    Data format 
     FK H3K9me3 76  Fetal Kidney H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0385 Pcnt=2 DonorID:H-22676)    Data format 
     CD3 H3K9me3 40  CD3 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.2465 Pcnt=80 DonorID:CD3_39840)    Data format 
     AL H3K9me3 3.0  Adult Liver H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1451 Pcnt=44 DonorID:3.0)    Data format 
     H1 H3K9me3 25  H1 H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1525 Pcnt=46 Library:Solexa-12525)    Data format 
     ESI3 H3K9me3 75  ES-I3 Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1778 Pcnt=54 Library:Solexa-15475)    Data format 
     MCD34 H3K9me3 28  Mobilized_CD34_Primary_Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.3479 Pcnt=95 DonorID:RO01508)    Data format 
     Treg H3K9me3 20  Treg Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1752 Pcnt=53 DonorID:20)    Data format 
     AL H3K9me3 5.0  Adult Liver H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1618 Pcnt=49 DonorID:5.0)    Data format 
     CD34 H3K9me3 20  CD34 Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.2666 Pcnt=83 DonorID:culturedCD34_2/20/09)    Data format 
     CD19 H3K9me3 29  CD19 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.2197 Pcnt=76 DonorID:CD19_12/29/08)    Data format 
     AN H3K9me3 7  Adipose Nuclei H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0488 Pcnt=10 DonorID:7)    Data format 
     MS H3K9me3 1  Muscle Satellite Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0578 Pcnt=17 DonorID:NA)    Data format 
     Th17 H3K9me3 20  Th17 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1903 Pcnt=63 DonorID:20)    Data format 
     CD34 H3K9me3 89  CD34 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.3378 Pcnt=93 DonorID:CD34_39889)    Data format 
     iPS15b H3K9me3 32  iPS 15b H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.2184 Pcnt=75 Library:Solexa-20732)    Data format 
     RSM H3K9me3 30  Rectal Smooth Muscle H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0815 Pcnt=25 DonorID:30)    Data format 
     ESI3 H3K9me3 94  ES-I3 Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0703 Pcnt=24 Library:Solexa-12683/Solexa-16494)    Data format 
     SM H3K9me3 62  Skeletal Muscle H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0487 Pcnt=8 DonorID:62)    Data format 
     iPS20b H3K9me3 65  iPS 20b H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1839 Pcnt=58 Library:Solexa-20765)    Data format 
     AK H3K9me3 27  Adult Kidney H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0388 Pcnt=3 DonorID:27)    Data format 
     MCD34 H3K9me3 80  Mobilized_CD34_Primary_Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0994 Pcnt=34 DonorID:RO01480)    Data format 
     RM H3K9me3 31  Rectal Mucosa H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0407 Pcnt=5 DonorID:31)    Data format 
     DM H3K9me3 61  Duodenum Mucosa H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0935 Pcnt=32 DonorID:61)    Data format 
     MCD34 H3K9me3 36  Mobilized CD34 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1396 Pcnt=41 DonorID:RO01536)    Data format 
     SM H3K9me3 19  Skeletal Muscle H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1044 Pcnt=36 DonorID:19)    Data format 
     CD19 H3K9me3 20  CD19 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.2524 Pcnt=81 DonorID:CD19_2/20/09)    Data format 
     SM H3K9me3 63  Skeletal Muscle H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0518 Pcnt=12 DonorID:63)    Data format 
     CD34 H3K9me3 11  CD34 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.2121 Pcnt=71 DonorID:CD34_39811)    Data format 
     FH H3K9me3 27  Fetal Heart H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0676 Pcnt=22 DonorID:H-22727)    Data format 
     BMDMSC H3K9me3 57  Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0841 Pcnt=27 DonorID:57)    Data format 
     CD3 H3K9me3 11  CD3 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1669 Pcnt=51 DonorID:CD3_39811)    Data format 
     MS H3K9me3 3  Muscle Satellite Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0852 Pcnt=29 DonorID:NA)    Data format 
     SSM H3K9me3 28  Stomach Smooth Muscle H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0863 Pcnt=31 DonorID:28)    Data format 
     MCD34 H3K9me3 49  Mobilized_CD34_Primary_Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.3224 Pcnt=92 DonorID:RO01549)    Data format 
     FB H3K9me3 10  Fetal Brain H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0596 Pcnt=19 DonorID:H-22510)    Data format 
     iPS18c H3K9me3 74  iPS 18c H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.2451 Pcnt=78 Library:Solexa-19774)    Data format 
     FL H3K9me3 27  Fetal Lung H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0411 Pcnt=7 DonorID:H-22727)    Data format 
     CM H3K9me3 32  Colonic Mucosa H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1436 Pcnt=42 DonorID:32)    Data format 
     ESWA7 H3K9me3 13  ES-WA7 Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1543 Pcnt=47 Library:Solexa-12613)    Data format 
     ADMSC H3K9me3 1  Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0606 Pcnt=20 DonorID:1)    Data format 
     PI H3K9me3 0  Pancreatic Islets H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1883 Pcnt=61 DonorID:pancreaticisletsnormal_0/0/00)    Data format 
     AN H3K9me3 92  Adipose Nuclei H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1619 Pcnt=69)    Data format 
     AN H3K9me3 93  Adipose Nuclei H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1605 Pcnt=65)    Data format 
     AN H3K9me3 94  Adipose Nuclei H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1991 Pcnt=77)    Data format 
     AN H3K9me3 95  Adipose Nuclei H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.2458 Pcnt=96)    Data format 
     AL H3K9me3 4  Adult Liver H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1457 Pcnt=54)    Data format 
     BMDMSC H3K9me3 58  Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0916 Pcnt=35)    Data format 
     BMDMSC H3K9me3 59  Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0432 Pcnt=4)    Data format 
     BMDMSC H3K9me3 60  Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0559 Pcnt=12)    Data format 
     BAC H3K9me3 12  Brain Anterior Caudate H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0818 Pcnt=31)    Data format 
     BCG H3K9me3 12  Brain Cingulate Gyrus H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0627 Pcnt=19)    Data format 
     BHM H3K9me3 12  Brain Hippocampus Middle H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.053 Pcnt=8)    Data format 
     BITL H3K9me3 12  Brain Inferior Temporal Lobe H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0816 Pcnt=27)    Data format 
     BMFL H3K9me3 12  Brain Mid Frontal Lobe H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0675 Pcnt=23)    Data format 
     BSN H3K9me3 12  Brain Substantia Nigra H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.0589 Pcnt=15)    Data format 
     CD34 H3K9me3 23  CD34 Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1571 Pcnt=62)    Data format 
     CfBMDMSC H3K9me3 57  Chondrocytes from Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1124 Pcnt=42)    Data format 
     CfBMDMSC H3K9me3 58  Chondrocytes from Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1024 Pcnt=38)    Data format 
     CfBMDMSC H3K9me3 59  Chondrocytes from Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1132 Pcnt=46)    Data format 
     FL H3K9me3 66  Fetal Lung H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.1397 Pcnt=50)    Data format 
     HUES64 H3K9me3 e3  HUES64 H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.241 Pcnt=92)    Data format 
     HUES6 H3K9me3  HUES6 H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.3148 Pcnt=100)    Data format 
     HUES6 H3K9me3  HUES6 H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (Hotspot_Score=0.2368 Pcnt=88)    Data format 
     MCD34 H3K9me3 RO01562  MCD34 H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad    Data format 
     MCD34 H3K9me3 62  Mobilized CD34 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.3242 Pcnt=100)    Data format 
     MSCDACC H3K9me3 93  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Adipocyte Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1719 Pcnt=82)    Data format 
     HUES64 H3K9me3 Row-1724  HUES64 H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1982 Pcnt=88)    Data format 
     ADMSCCC H3K9me3 93  Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1594 Pcnt=76)    Data format 
     CfBMDMSCCC H3K9me3 60  Chondrocytes from Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1121 Pcnt=53)    Data format 
     BAG H3K9me3 112  Brain Angular Gyrus H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0405 Pcnt=4)    Data format 
     HUES48 H3K9me3 Row-1707  HUES48 H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.2345 Pcnt=90)    Data format 
     HUES48 H3K9me3 Row-1718  HUES48 H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1414 Pcnt=67)    Data format 
     MSCDACC H3K9me3 92  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Adipocyte Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1632 Pcnt=78)    Data format 
     ADMSCCC H3K9me3 92  Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.15 Pcnt=71)    Data format 
     BAC H3K9me3 149  Brain Anterior Caudate H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1537 Pcnt=73)    Data format 
     BMFL H3K9me3 149  Brain Mid Frontal Lobe H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0903 Pcnt=37)    Data format 
     iPS20b H3K9me3 351  iPS-20b H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.2562 Pcnt=92)    Data format 
     CD4+CD25- H3K9me3 62  CD4+ CD25- Th Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1347 Pcnt=65)    Data format 
     hDCECC H3K9me3 248  hESC Derived CD184+ Endoderm Cultured Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.2827 Pcnt=98)    Data format 
     CD4M H3K9me3 101  CD4 Memory Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.051 Pcnt=10)    Data format 
     CSM H3K9me3 83  Colon Smooth Muscle H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0474 Pcnt=6)    Data format 
     CD4N H3K9me3 100  CD4 Naive Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0748 Pcnt=27)    Data format 
     CD8M H3K9me3 100  CD8 Memory Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0763 Pcnt=29)    Data format 
     CD8N H3K9me3 100  CD8 Naive Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1026 Pcnt=43)    Data format 
     SSM H3K9me3 161  Stomach Smooth Muscle H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0925 Pcnt=39)    Data format 
     DM H3K9me3 159  Duodenum Mucosa H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1255 Pcnt=59)    Data format 
     BSN H3K9me3 149  Brain Substantia Nigra H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.105 Pcnt=49)    Data format 
     CD4+CD25- H3K9me3 62  CD4+ CD25- IL17- PMA-Ionomycin stimulated MACS purified Th Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0662 Pcnt=18)    Data format 
     DSM H3K9me3 160  Duodenum Smooth Muscle H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0602 Pcnt=16)    Data format 
     CD4N H3K9me3 101  CD4 Naive Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0712 Pcnt=20)    Data format 
     CD4+CD25- H3K9me3 62  CD4+ CD25- CD45RA+ Naive Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1237 Pcnt=57)    Data format 
     CD4+CD25- H3K9me3 62  CD4+ CD25- CD45RO+ Memory Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0862 Pcnt=35)    Data format 
     MCD34 H3K9me3 RO_01536  Mobilized CD34 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.3614 Pcnt=100)    Data format 
     SM H3K9me3 157  Stomach Mucosa H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.052 Pcnt=12)    Data format 
     CD4+CD25- H3K9me3 62  CD4+ CD25+ CD127- Treg Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1264 Pcnt=61)    Data format 
     CD8M H3K9me3 101  CD8 Memory Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0536 Pcnt=14)    Data format 
     BAG H3K9me3 149  Brain Angular Gyrus H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1043 Pcnt=47)    Data format 
     CD4M H3K9me3 100  CD4 Memory Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0739 Pcnt=24)    Data format 
     CD4+CD25- H3K9me3 62  CD4+ CD25- IL17+ PMA-Ionomcyin stimulated Th17 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0723 Pcnt=22)    Data format 
     BITL H3K9me3 149  Brain Inferior Temporal Lobe H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1167 Pcnt=55)    Data format 
     BHM H3K9me3 149  Brain Hippocampus Middle H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0937 Pcnt=41)    Data format 
     iPS18a H3K9me3 343  iPS-18a H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1324 Pcnt=63)    Data format 
     AK H3K9me3 153  Adult Kidney H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.0801 Pcnt=31)    Data format 
     CD8N H3K9me3 101  CD8 Naive Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.048 Pcnt=8)    Data format 
     CD15 H3K9me3 23  CD15 Primary Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/Broad (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1764 Pcnt=84)    Data format 
     BCG H3K9me3 49 16  BI Brain Cingulate Gyrus Histone H3K9me3 Donor 149 Library DNA_Lib 616 EA Release 6    Data format 
     BHM H3K9me3 50 85  BI Brain Hippocampus Middle Histone H3K9me3 Donor 150 Library DNA_Lib 985 EA Release 6    Data format 
     CCCTmem H3K9me3 62 37  BI CD4+ CD25int CD127+ Tmem Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor 62 Library DNA_Lib 737 EA Release 6    Data format 
     CM H3K9me3 55 68  BI Colonic Mucosa Histone H3K9me3 Donor 155 Library DNA_Lib 368 EA Release 6    Data format 
     H1 H3K9me3 77  H1 Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSD (Hotspot_Score=0.2029 Pcnt=68 Library:YL77)    Data format 
     IMR90 H3K9me3 06  IMR90 Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSD (Hotspot_Score=0.1913 Pcnt=64 Library:SK06)    Data format 
     H1 H3K9me3 18  H1 Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSD (Hotspot_Score=0.4557 Pcnt=NA Library:LL218)    Data format 
     IMR90 H3K9me3 24  IMR90 Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSD (Hotspot_Score=0.2682 Pcnt=85 Library:LL224)    Data format 
     H1 H3K9me3 75  H1 Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSD (Hotspot_Score=0.1788 Pcnt=56 Library:YL75)    Data format 
     IMR90 H3K9me3 04  IMR90 Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSD (Hotspot_Score=0.3143 Pcnt=88 Library:YL104)    Data format 
     H9 H3K9me3 40  H9 H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/UCSD (Hotspot_Score=0.1465 Pcnt=58)    Data format 
     H9 H3K9me3 00  H9 H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/UCSD (Hotspot_Score=0.2196 Pcnt=81)    Data format 
     H9 H3K9me3 01  H9 H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/UCSD (Hotspot_Score=0.2266 Pcnt=85)    Data format 
     iD19.11 H3K9me3 32  iPS-DF-19.11 H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/UCSD (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1507 Pcnt=33)    Data format 
     iD6.9 H3K9me3 74  iPS-DF-6.9 H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/UCSD (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1215 Pcnt=17)    Data format 
     iPS_DF_19.11 H3K9me3 SK474  iPS_DF_19.11 H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSD (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.26 Pcnt=94)    Data format 
     iPS_DF_6.9 H3K9me3 SK503  iPS_DF_6.9 H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSD (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.03 Pcnt=2)    Data format 
     H1DMSC H3K9me3 SK507  H1DMSC H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSD (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.15 Pcnt=71)    Data format 
     H1DMSC H3K9me3 SK508  H1DMSC H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSD (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.17 Pcnt=80)    Data format 
     HBDT H3K9me3 H4  UCSD H1 BMP4 Derived Trophoblast Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library LH4 EA Release 6    Data format 
     HBDT H3K9me3 H8  UCSD H1 BMP4 Derived Trophoblast Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library LH8 EA Release 6    Data format 
     HDNP H3K9me3 00  UCSD H1 Derived Neuronal Progenitor Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library AK200 EA Release 6    Data format 
     HDNP H3K9me3 44  UCSD H1 Derived Neuronal Progenitor Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library AK244 EA Release 6    Data format 
     H1 H3K9me3 54  UCSD H1 Cell Line Histone H3K9me3 Library AK54 EA Release 6    Data format 
     BMC H3K9me3 80  Breast_Myoepithelial_Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSF (Hotspot_Score=0.2698 Pcnt=86 DonorID:RM080)    Data format 
     BMC H3K9me3 66  Breast_Myoepithelial_Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSF (Hotspot_Score=0.3223 Pcnt=90 DonorID:RM066)    Data format 
     Bv H3K9me3 35 17  Breast_vHMEC H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSF (Hotspot_Score=0.1198 Pcnt=37 DonorID:RM035)    Data format 
     H1 H3K9me3 B  H1 Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSF (Hotspot_Score=0.3856 Pcnt=97 DonorID:NA)    Data format 
     CD8N H3K9me3 01  CD8_Naive_Primary_Cells Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSF (Hotspot_Score=0.1293 Pcnt=39 DonorID:TC001)    Data format 
     H1 H3K9me3 A  H1 Cell Line H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSF (Hotspot_Score=0.2167 Pcnt=73 DonorID:NA)    Data format 
     PBM H3K9me3 12 42  Peripheral_Blood_Mononuclear_Primary_Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSF (Hotspot_Score=0.206 Pcnt=69 DonorID:TC012)    Data format 
     PBM H3K9me3 10 22  Peripheral_Blood_Mononuclear_Primary_Cells H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSF (Hotspot_Score=0.1958 Pcnt=66 DonorID:TC010)    Data format 
     BLEC H3K9me3 80  Breast Luminal Epithelial Cells H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/UCSF-UBC (Hotspot_Score=0.1878 Pcnt=73)    Data format 
     BGM H3K9me3 01  Brain Germinal Matrix H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/UCSF-UBC (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1883 Pcnt=67)    Data format 
     NCD H3K9me3 02  Neurosphere Cultured Cells Cortex Derived H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/UCSF-UBC (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1969 Pcnt=83)    Data format 
     NGED H3K9me3 02  Neurosphere Cultured Cells Ganglionic Eminence Derived H3K9me3 Signal from REMC/UCSF-UBC (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1546 Pcnt=50)    Data format 
     FB H3K9me3 HuFNSC02  Fetal Brain H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSF-UBC (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1069 Pcnt=51)    Data format 
     BGM H3K9me3 HuFGM02  Brain Germinal Matrix H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSF-UBC (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.2683 Pcnt=96)    Data format 
     FB H3K9me3 HuFNSC01  Fetal Brain H3K9me3 Histone Modification by Chip-seq Signal from REMC/UCSF-UBC (HOTSPOT_SCORE=0.1877 Pcnt=86)    Data format 
     NCD H3K9me3 01 71  UCSF-UBC-USC Neurosphere Cultured Cells Cortex Derived Histone H3K9me3 Donor HuFNSC01 Library A03271 EA Release 6    Data format 
     NGED H3K9me3 01 77  UCSF-UBC-USC Neurosphere Cultured Cells Ganglionic Eminence Derived Histone H3K9me3 Donor HuFNSC01 Library A03277 EA Release 6    Data format 
     PFF H3K9me3 01 91  UCSF-UBC-USC Penis Foreskin Fibroblast Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor skin01 Library A08391 EA Release 6    Data format 
     PFF H3K9me3 02 97  UCSF-UBC-USC Penis Foreskin Fibroblast Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor skin02 Library A08397 EA Release 6    Data format 
     PFK H3K9me3 02 22  UCSF-UBC-USC Penis Foreskin Keratinocyte Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor skin02 Library A11922 EA Release 7    Data format 
     PFM H3K9me3 01 85  UCSF-UBC-USC Penis Foreskin Melanocyte Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor skin01 Library A08385 EA Release 7    Data format 
     PFM H3K9me3 02 45  UCSF-UBC-USC Penis Foreskin Melanocyte Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor skin02 Library A08745 EA Release 7    Data format 
     FB H3K9me3 76 86  BI Fetal Brain Histone H3K9me3 Donor UW H22676 Library DNA_Lib 386 EA Release 8    Data format 
     hDCE H3K9me3 42  BI hESC Derived CD184+ Endoderm Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library DNA_Lib 242 EA Release 8    Data format 
     hDCM H3K9me3 76  BI hESC Derived CD56+ Mesoderm Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library DNA_Lib 1276 EA Release 8    Data format 
     hDCM H3K9me3 82  BI hESC Derived CD56+ Mesoderm Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library DNA_Lib 1282 EA Release 8    Data format 
     AG H3K9me3 03 80  UCSD Adrenal Gland Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL003 Library AY180 EA Release 8    Data format 
     Aorta H3K9me3 03 47  UCSD Aorta Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL003 Library AY47 EA Release 8    Data format 
     Esophagus H3K9me3 03 84  UCSD Esophagus Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL003 Library AY184 EA Release 8    Data format 
     Gastric H3K9me3 03 88  UCSD Gastric Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL003 Library AY188 EA Release 8    Data format 
     HBDT H3K9me3 66  UCSD H1 BMP4 Derived Trophoblast Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library AY66 EA Release 8    Data format 
     LV H3K9me3 01 38  UCSD Left Ventricle Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL001 Library AK338 EA Release 8    Data format 
     LV H3K9me3 03 51  UCSD Left Ventricle Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL003 Library AY51 EA Release 8    Data format 
     Lung H3K9me3 02 49  UCSD Lung Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL002 Library AY49 EA Release 8    Data format 
     Pancreas H3K9me3 03 92  UCSD Pancreas Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL003 Library AK192 EA Release 8    Data format 
     RA H3K9me3 03 53  UCSD Right Atrium Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL003 Library AY53 EA Release 8    Data format 
     Spleen H3K9me3 03 96  UCSD Spleen Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL003 Library AY196 EA Release 8    Data format 
     PFK H3K9me3 03 74  UCSF-UBC-USC Penis Foreskin Keratinocyte Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor skin03 Library A15574 EA Release 8    Data format 
     PFM H3K9me3 03 81  UCSF-UBC-USC Penis Foreskin Melanocyte Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor skin03 Library A15581 EA Release 8    Data format 
     UCSF4star H3K9me3 71  UCSF-UBC-USC UCSF-4star Cell Line Histone H3K9me3 Library A14671 EA Release 8    Data format 
     HDNP H3K9me3 27  UCSD H1 Derived Neuronal Progenitor Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library CY27 EA Release 9    Data format 
     Gastric H3K9me3 01 83  UCSD Gastric Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL001 Library CY83 EA Release 9    Data format 
     SI H3K9me3 01 30  UCSD Small Intestine Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL001 Library AK330 EA Release 9    Data format 
     Thymus H3K9me3 01 52  UCSD Thymus Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL001 Library AY352 EA Release 9    Data format 
     Ovary H3K9me3 02 48  UCSD Ovary Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL002 Library AY348 EA Release 9    Data format 
     Pancreas H3K9me3 02 79  UCSD Pancreas Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL002 Library CY79 EA Release 9    Data format 
     Lung H3K9me3 01 84  UCSD Lung Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL001 Library CY184 EA Release 9    Data format 
     PM H3K9me3 01 86  UCSD Psoas Muscle Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL001 Library CY186 EA Release 9    Data format 
     RV H3K9me3 01 88  UCSD Right Ventricle Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL001 Library CY188 EA Release 9    Data format 
     SC H3K9me3 01 89  UCSD Sigmoid Colon Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL001 Library CY189 EA Release 9    Data format 
     Esophagus H3K9me3 02 83  UCSD Esophagus Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL002 Library CY183 EA Release 9    Data format 
     SI H3K9me3 02 29  UCSD Small Intestine Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL002 Library AY529 EA Release 9    Data format 
     AL H3K9me3 11 31  UCSD Adult Liver Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL011 Library AY531 EA Release 9    Data format 
     SC H3K9me3 03 81  UCSD Sigmoid Colon Histone H3K9me3 Donor STL003 Library AY281 EA Release 9    Data format 
     NGED H3K9me3 04 05  UCSF-UBC-USC Neurosphere Cultured Cells Ganglionic Eminence Derived Histone H3K9me3 Donor HuFNSC04 Library A19305 EA Release 9    Data format 
     UCSF4* H3K9me3 98  UCSF-UBC-USC UCSF-4* Cell Line Histone H3K9me3 Library A19298 EA Release 9    Data format 
     PI H3K9me3 13 70  UCSF-UBC-USC Pancreatic Islets Histone H3K9me3 Donor ZGI 213 Library A22470 EA Release 9    Data format 
     PBM H3K9me3 15 28  UCSF-UBC-USC Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor TC015 Library A21628 EA Release 9    Data format 
     PBM H3K9me3 16 35  UCSF-UBC-USC Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor TC016 Library A21635 EA Release 9    Data format 
     PA H3K9me3 02 19  UCSF-UBC-USC Placenta Amnion Histone H3K9me3 Donor CTL02 Library A21719 EA Release 9    Data format 
     DSM H3K9me3 74 92  BI Duodenum Smooth Muscle Histone H3K9me3 Donor 174 REMC 28 Library DNA_Lib 992 EA Release 9    Data format 
     hDCM H3K9me3 97  BI hESC Derived CD56+ Mesoderm Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library DNA_Lib 3197 EA Release 9    Data format 
     hDCEcto H3K9me3 92  BI hESC Derived CD56+ Ectoderm Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library DNA_Lib 3192 EA Release 9    Data format 
     HDN H3K9me3 e3  BI H9 Derived Neuron Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library Lib:RI:20101012:15--ChIP:MA:20100927:15:hN (ES H9 derived Neurons):H3K9Me3 EA Release 9    Data format 
     HDNP H3K9me3 92  BI H9 Derived Neuronal Progenitor Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library Lib EpiLabSPL Row 1792 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CCIPsT H3K9me3 32 16  BI CD4+ CD25- IL17+ PMA-Ionomcyin stimulated Th17 Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor 332 Library DNA_Lib 2216 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CCCNN H3K9me3 32 10  BI CD4+ CD25- CD45RA+ Naive Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor 332 Library DNA_Lib 2210 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CCT H3K9me3 32 72  BI CD4+ CD25- Th Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor 332 Library DNA_Lib 2272 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CCCTreg H3K9me3 32 92  BI CD4+ CD25+ CD127- Treg Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor 332 Library DNA_Lib 2092 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CCCTmem H3K9me3 32 66  BI CD4+ CD25int CD127+ Tmem Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor 332 Library DNA_Lib 2266 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CCIPsMpT H3K9me3 32 60  BI CD4+ CD25- IL17- PMA-Ionomycin stimulated MACS purified Th Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor 332 Library DNA_Lib 2260 EA Release 9    Data format 
     hDCEcto H3K9me3 11  BI hESC Derived CD56+ Ectoderm Cultured Cells Histone H3K9me3 Library DNA_Lib 1811 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CCCMM H3K9me3 32 99  BI CD4+ CD25- CD45RO+ Memory Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor 332 Library DNA_Lib 2099 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CSM H3K9me3 56 50  BI Colon Smooth Muscle Histone H3K9me3 Donor 156 Library DNA_Lib 1850 EA Release 9    Data format 
     FT H3K9me3 44 04  UW Fetal Thymus Histone H3K9me3 Donor H-24644 Library Histone.DS22904 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CD3 H3K9me3 79 98  UW CD3 Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor RO 01679 Library Histone.DS22898 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CD19 H3K9me3 79 99  UW CD19 Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor RO 01679 Library Histone.DS22899 EA Release 9    Data format 
     FML H3K9me3 44 03  UW Fetal Muscle Leg Histone H3K9me3 Donor H-24644 Library Histone.DS22903 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CD14 H3K9me3 21 04  UW CD14 Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor RO 01721 Library Histone.DS22404 EA Release 9    Data format 
     FIS H3K9me3 95 02  UW Fetal Intestine Small Histone H3K9me3 Donor H-24595 Library Histone.DS22902 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CD8 H3K9me3 01 08  UW CD8 Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor RO 01701 Library Histone.DS22908 EA Release 9    Data format 
     FS H3K9me3 54 28  UW Fetal Stomach Histone H3K9me3 Donor H-24754 Library Histone.DS22928 EA Release 9    Data format 
     FIL H3K9me3 95 01  UW Fetal Intestine Large Histone H3K9me3 Donor H-24595 Library Histone.DS22901 EA Release 9    Data format 
     FAG H3K9me3 00 66  UW Fetal Adrenal Gland Histone H3K9me3 Donor H-24800 Library Histone.DS23066 EA Release 9    Data format 
     FML H3K9me3 44 05  UW Fetal Muscle Leg Histone H3K9me3 Donor H-24644 Library Histone.DS23305 EA Release 9    Data format 
     FMT H3K9me3 51 09  UW Fetal Muscle Trunk Histone H3K9me3 Donor H-24851 Library Histone.DS23309 EA Release 9    Data format 
     FP H3K9me3 96 11  UW Fetal Placenta Histone H3K9me3 Donor H-24996 Library Histone.DS23311 EA Release 9    Data format 
     CD19 H3K9me3 01 14  UW CD19 Primary Cells Histone H3K9me3 Donor RO 01701 Library Histone.DS23314 EA Release 9    Data format 
Assembly: Human Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19)

Vizhub @ Wash U built this track, and Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium is responsible for its contents.


These tracks are genome-wide maps on epigenetic marks surveyed by Roadmap Epigenomics Project. Each track is about one type of epigenetic mark, and contains multiple experiments assayed for that mark type. DNA methylation and histone modification are two types of most important epigenetic marks.

DNA methylation of human DNA mostly happens on cytosine bases of CpG dinucleotides. The methylated DNA usually prevent accessibility of regulatory proteins and hampers transcription, while unmethylated DNA is usually indicative of open chromatin. The MeDIP-Seq and MRE-Seq experiments are usually performed on same sample to identify genome-wide DNA methylation pattern. MeDIP-Seq (methylated DNA immunoprecipitation and sequencing) is a ChIP-based approach utilizing antibody against methylated cytosine. This method enriches methylated DNA and high read count indicates high likelihood of underlying region is methylated. The MRE-Seq (methylation restriction enzyme sequencing) uses methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes to digest DNA, and only cut at unmethylated restriction sites. The cut restriction sites will be detected by sequencing where reads aligned to a restriction site on reference genome means the restriction site is unmethylated.

The MethylC-Seq (MethylC sequencing) uses bisulfite to convert methylated cytosines to thymines before sequencing. The percentage of reads with a T versus a C indicates the percentage methylation at the cytosine. Details can be found in this paper Lister R, et al., Nature. 2009 Nov 19;462(7271):315-22. .

RRBS (Reduced-Representation-Bisulfite-Sequencing) is similar to MethylC-seq except RRBS uses restriction enzyme to fragment the genome into fragments suitably-sized for sequencing. While RRBS produces percent methylation similar to MethylC-seq, it is limited to cytosines that are within restriction fragments of a suitable size and then tend to measure CpG dense regions only. Details can be found in this paper: Meissener, A. et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 2005; 33(18): 5868-5877. .

Histone marks are critical epigenetic components. They are covalent modifications of amino acid residues of histone proteins, which modify protein's biochemical property and affect transcription and chromatin state. The histone marks are measured by ChIP-Seq experiments (chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing).

Display conventions

Each track can be turned on/off individually. Inside each track, sub-tracks are displayed in same vertical space and are overlayed with transparent colors for contrast. All tracks displays read density data in form of wiggle plots. Number of aligned reads is counted at each base pair, and a summarized value is computed for each 20 bp interval for display. Sub-tracks sharing same space use same scale.


Experimental protocols: follow this link for experimental protocols.

Data processing: EDACC carried out data processing and quality assessment. Details are fully explained here . In brief, sequencing reads were aligned with 'Pash' program to derive read density data. The read density data is prepared into 'wiggle' format files with fixed step length of 20 bp. Data in wiggle and other formats have been deposited in NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus database for public access.

Quality control: the HotSpot was one of the methods used to assess quality of ChIP-Seq experiments. The long track name includes a "Hotspot_Score" field indicates the percentage of sequencing reads found inside hotspot regions. The "Pcnt" field shows the percentile of current experiment score in this type of ChIP-Seq experiments (e.g., all H3K4me3 ChIP-Seq experiments). This value is subject to change in next Data Release. The most comprehensive and up-to-date description on QC Metrics used by the consortium can be found here .

Release Notes

The data is combination of Release II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX which were mapped to human reference genome version hg19. The data is production of Roadmap Epigenomics Project.

Please follow the link for Roadmap Epigenomics data access policy


These data were generated in labs from participating institutions of Roadmap Epigenomics Project.

Useful links