This track displays haploinsufficiency predictions for human genes (Huang 2010).
Human cells have two copies of most genes (one from each parent). If a mutation
alters one copy, the other is usually still sufficient to maintain gene function.
For haploinsufficient genes, however, both copies must be functioning for the
organism to have a normal life. Haploinsufficiency is implicated in a number of
health disorders.
Display Conventions
Predictions in this track are provided on a per-gene basis and are displayed in blocks
corresponding to each gene's position in the genome (and labeled with that gene's name).
The raw prediction scores range from 0 to 1, where 0 is very unlikely to be
haploinsufficient and 1 is very likely. Because many of the predicted scores fall toward
the lower end of the spectrum, the authors also grouped those scores by quantile. The
quantile for each gene is shown as α-upper percentile, which shows the percentage
of genes with a higher predicted score than this one. A gene with a relatively strong
prediction of being haploinsufficient will have a quantile close to 0%. A gene with a very low
comparative prediction of being haploinsufficient will have a quantile close to 100%.
Moving the mouse cursor over any gene will display a pop-up box with the gene name
and α-upper quantile for the prediction. The genes in this track
are also color-coded according to quantile:
- Magenta shades indicate a higher
expectation of being haploinsufficient
- Green shades indicate a lower
expectation of being haploinsufficient
Data for this track were generously provided by the DECIPHER project at
Huang N, Lee I, Marcotte EM, Hurles ME.
Characterising and predicting haploinsufficiency in the human genome.
PLoS Genet. 2010 Oct 14;6(10):e1001154.
PMID: 20976243; PMC: PMC2954820