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Configure Tracks on UCSC Genome Browser: S. cerevisiae Apr. 2011 (SacCer_Apr2011/sacCer3)
  Tracks:    Groups:
Control track and group visibility more selectively below.
+   Mapping and Sequencing    
-   Genes and Gene Predictions    
NCBI RefSeq RefSeq genes from NCBI
SGD Genes Protein-Coding Genes from Saccharomyces Genome Database
SGD Other Other Features from Saccharomyces Genome Database
AUGUSTUS AUGUSTUS ab initio gene predictions v3.1
CRISPR CRISPR/Cas9 Sp. Pyog. target sites
     CRISPR Targets     CRISPR/Cas9 -NGG Targets
     CRISPR Regions     Genome regions processed to find CRISPR/Cas9 target sites (exons +/- 200 bp)
Ensembl Genes Ensembl Genes
Human Proteins Human Proteins Mapped by Chained tBLASTn
Other RefSeq Non-S. cerevisiae RefSeq Genes
UniProt UniProt SwissProt/TrEMBL Protein Annotations
-   mRNA and EST    
S. cer. ESTs S. cerevisiae ESTs Including Unspliced
S. cer. mRNAs S. cerevisiae mRNAs from GenBank
Spliced ESTs S. cerevisiae ESTs That Have Been Spliced
-   Expression and Regulation    
Regulatory Code Transcriptional Regulatory Code from Harbison Gordon et al.
Reg. ChIP-chip ChIP-chip Results from Harbison Gordon et al.
ORegAnno Regulatory elements from ORegAnno
Reg. Module Eran Segal Regulatory Module
-   Comparative Genomics    
Conservation Multiz Alignment & Conservation (7 Yeasts)
-   Variation and Repeats    
new EVA SNP Short Genetic Variants from European Variant Archive
Microsatellite Microsatellites - Di-nucleotide and Tri-nucleotide Repeats
Simple Repeats Simple Tandem Repeats by TRF